Antenna Tower: Field Day site.
Circle: highlighted FD Sites are shown with a circle (solid, or outlining a Square).
This highlights New Participants and New Sites -- or (latest) confirmations. Reason(s) for highlights are included in the "hover text" / alt-tag.
O Green (go) High prirority to visit -- Confirmed and New/changed location, or new team, or back from hiatus, or missed by staff last year.
O Yellow Confirmed -- visited last year.
O Red Not visited last year, not yet confirmed. Hover to see why. Good to visit, if active.
Squares: A square is a staff base QTH, either home or FD if with red tower; labeled with callsign
to upper left. Solid color means base
location of a touring staff member, should have line of same color going out.
Black center means not known to be touring FD sites (will be removed
if you say you're not touring, will change to solid color if you give me plans) or home QTH of a touring
staffer who is BASED at a site (color background square behind the site).
Colors are by ARRL Badge scheme (modified for distinguishing
a bit): Red, Elected SM or Other Section, or VDir (BrickRed).
Green, ASM and other Cabinet appointees w/o specific colors. (Dark Green for ACC.)
Orange for SEC/DEC (Dark Orange, DEC/EC/EOC; Light Orange, SEC).
Note on location: FD sites are plotted on as exact an NAD27 Lat-lon as is available. Home QTHs for staff are usually plotted at the center of 6-char Grid-Square (e.g., FN42ho) computed from FCC mailing address or QRZ listing, not from an exact street address -- sometimes plotted on 8-char MH Grid square center for perturbation.
Our touring officials -- distinguished by badge colors and shades thereof.
day 1 Call Club Town W1RRC(?) West River RC Townshend VT WT1B So VT ARC Bennington VT N1VT GreenMtn WS Rutland VT stopped in Colchester VT for the night day 2 Call Club Town K2KI StAlbans ARC St Albans VT N1QS No VT QRP Soc Underhill Center VT W1NVT RA No VT Richmond VT W1MOO The Udder Club S Burlington VT W1KOO Burlington ARC Burlington VT W1BD Central VT ARC Barre VT Total mileage - 533 ... Will post some pictures of each group in the ARRL Field Day soapbox area: 73 Tom - K1KI/m
I may have set a record this Field Day - 20 site visits (if you count Whitman, where I got to the park, but couldn't get in ;-) Total mileage 522. Here's the summary: [Actual results] Saturday 1 Falmouth ARA Falmouth MA 2 Genesis ARC Plymouth MA 3 Southeastern MA ARA S. Dartmouth MA 4 Bristol County Repeater Assn Assonet MA 5 Newport County ARC Portsmouth RI 6 Providence Radio Assn Jamestorm RI 7 Fidelity ARC W. Greenwich RI 8 Pawtuxet Valley ARC Foster RI 9 BVARC N. Scituite RI 10 Sturdy Memorial Hosp. ARC N. Attleboro MA 11 Mansfield EMA Mansfield MA 12 MARA E. Bridgewater MA 13 Whitman ARC Abington MA went to park but couldn't get in Sunday 14 PART Westford MA 15 BARS@Mitre Burlington MA 16 MIT Radio Society Cambridge MA 17 Boston ARC Boston MA 18 Wellesley ARS Needham MA 19 Framingham ARA Framingham MA 20 Pentucket RA and Phillips ARC Haverhill MA
Number of Confirmed! Sites=0 (To Confirm your site)
By County - Number of Field Day sites expected in each county. Click on county to list them -- or click on icon in map at right.
Pages in FD web: EMA FD Home!
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About (Notes, Credits)
Up: EMA Home §
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