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Our touring officials -- distinguished by badge colors and shades thereof.
Only entries marked "2009"
are specific current forecasts.
Prior year actual
results can be found in History
Tom Frenaye K1KI (NE Div. Director)
Usually tours a NE section, has toured RI, SE MA, CT, WMA, EMA,
and VT in the past.
Typically operating as K1KI/m in
class 1-C
2009 -
2008 - Unavailable for touring
2007 - nine EMA FD sites overall, and about 450 miles driven. See History
2006 - Tom was unavailable for touring.
To see rest of New England on a map, see the NE Div alternative map or in History.
Mike Raisbeck K1TWF (NE Div. Vice Director)
Usually tours the EMA and adjacent sections
- Again Fts. Flagler & Worden, Washington
(near Port Townsend) to visit K7LED.
One of many Coast Defense sites on air for Field Day.
2008 & 2007 - Ft. Flagler, Washington (near Port Townsend) to visit K7LED
2006 - Mike was unavailable for touring.
Phil Temples K9HI (NE Div A.Dir)
Formerly toured as SM EMA and as EMA ACC
2009 -
2008 -
Mike Ardai N1IST (NE Div A.Dir) -
Previously set up with Boston ARC, managing logging computers.
2009 -
2008 - Attended Boston ARC
Mike Neilsen, W1MPN (EMA Section Manager)
Traditionally the SM tours EMA.
Mike Previously toured as SM and SEC 2001-2006.
2009 - -
I will be touring sites from 271600z [Saturday noon EDT] to 281200z [Sunday 8am EDT]. I will range to the North Shore then through the South Shore counties ending on the Cape where I pick up the [MS Cape Cod Getaway Ride] again on Sunday.
BCRA&FRARC at Freetown State Forest.
other opportunities tbd
A number of ASM's are also SEC/DEC in ARES and are listed as serving in that capacity below. For fully list of Section staff see the homepage.
Mike Goldberg K1LJN (OOC)
Typically setting up with Billerica ARS &/or MITRE.
2009 -
2006 - with the BARS/MITRE site in Bedford.
Bob DeMattia K1IW (TC)
2009 -
Bob Salow WA1IDA (PIC)
Usually sets up with BARC
2009 -
"Bo" Budinger WA1QYM (ACC,
Thank you so very much for providing all the wealth of information about Field Day sites here in EMA. I am almost overwelmed with it all.
Yes I will be touring Field Day Sites and yes I will also be operating Field Day with the PART group at K1AL's barn in Carlisle. In fact this present a real dilema as the PART Field Day (it appears) will be our largest ever and I would like to spend as much time as possible there.
I hope to visit clubs that I have not contacted over visited so far.So my tentative schedule is to visit:
Rob Macedo KD1CY ( SEC & DEC/Skywarn & ASM )
Usually operates at SEMARA or handles SKYWARN issues at NWS BOX, with touring as available.
2009 - Plan
my plans will be to stay in the Acushnet/Dartmouth area and do Field Day from the Acushnet EMA, WA1EMA on Saturday and the SEMARA Club, W1AEC, on Sunday. There is also the potential of SKYWARN Ops on Saturday for strong to severe thunderstorms so if that occurs that will change my plans radically and I'll be at NWS for that time period.
Any Field Day sites setting up [Friday] should be prepared for severe weather. It unfortunately appears we have the potential for a sizeable outbreak of severe thunderstorms this afternoon and evening with additional issues with thunderstorms Saturday.
2008 -
I was at the Acushnet EMA Field Day site on Saturday from about 130 PM until 2 AM Sunday.
Later on Sunday, I visited the Swansea Field Day site and the Fall River Field Day site at Freetown State Forest. Both sites were doing very well with contacts and had many operators participating and I had a nice discussion with Carl-WA1PQT, the Swansea EMA Director, and Roland and the boys at Fall River. There were prolly between 5-10 operators at each site even though I went and visited late Sunday Morning into early afternoon.
Bands were in good shape for Field Day including a band opening on 10 Meters.
Carl Aveni, N1FY ( Assistant SEC & ASM )
2009 - unavailable for touring
2008: Operates with Massasoit ARA at the Bridgewater EOC.
2006: Operated with Massasoit ARA at the Bridgewater EOC.
Mark Duff, KB1EKN (DEC-Public Safety Agency Liaison)
Usually tours. Has previously camped with Boston ARC.
2009 - hosting BARC
at Bare Cove Fire Museum
Steve Schwarm, W3EVE (DEC-Field Ops)
Usually tours, sometimes only one day, e.g., Norwood , Sturdy , MITRE/BARS or Wellesley .
I also plan on visiting Clay Center, Mitre, Sturdy and Wellesley
I will be listen on 145.55 for simplex contacts.
Norwood ARC at The Big Apple Farm, Wrentham
BCRA&FRARC at Freetown State Forest - plan to see the Boy Scouts
other opportunities tbd
2008 - Visited
"I was impressed and happy to see all of the sites were running CW."
Was unavailable to tour in 2006 or 2007
Ed Berg, N1VSJ (DEC-Emergency Ops)
Sometimes does FD.
2009 -
2008 - Saturday PART
Frank O'Laughlin WQ1O (DEC-Cape/Isles)
Usually operates at FARA (Falmouth) &/or with Barnstable
2009 -
I will be doing an emergency shelter drill with my regional emergency planning committee on Saturday. ARES will be running the comms for the operation (see attached). It's not easy pulling this off on field day, but I will manage. After that I plan to visit Barnstable/Pilgrim club in Yarmouth and Falmouth. Going to be a busy day.
Probably operating with FARA (Falmouth). late on Saturday night
2008 - operating with FARA (Falmouth).
2007 - operating with FARA (Falmouth)
Blake Haskell, K1BTH (DEC-MetroBoston)
Usually helps BARC set up.
2009 -
2008 -
2007 - be operating with BARC
2006 - Delivered food to BARC/SATERN W1MSA joint Field Day
2009 - Running Field Day with Massasoit
ARA at the Bridgewater EOC as a partial operation
2008 - 2007 - Running Field Day with Massasoit ARA at the Bridgewater EOC as a partial operation.
Steve Telsey N1BDA (DEC-Middlesex)
Typically participating with PART and visiting MITRE/BARS.
2009 -
I will be operating at the PART site in Carlisle and may visit Nashoba and [MITRE club in] Billerica.
2008 - Field Day Chair for PART (Carlisle)
We've also invited Colonial Wireless Association and FARA (Framingham) to join us. If I get an opportunity, I'll visit Mitre.
Terry Stader KA8SCP (Area I RACES Radio Officer (ARES DEC for RACES Area I) & ASM
Usually operates with PART (has also operated MEMA1 for Field Day in the past); sometimes tours the "MEMA Region 1 communities, Essex, Middlesex and Suffolk counties."
After touring for the last several years, I have just recently decided that I am going to sit this one out and do some operating myself. I will be visiting the PART of Westford site but probably be operating at another site as part of a multi-op indivdual station.
Thanks for doing all this data consolidation Bill. You do an excellent job and a tremendous asset to our Section!
2008 -
My plans are to visit all of the Region 1 sites again this year. Maybe motorcyle mobile. Should have the tracking unit enabled ( I'll try and grab some photos this year. I am probably going to do just the clubs in Region 1's counties: Middlesex, Essex and Suffolk. Some Region 1 clubs are operating in other counties (Needham, Mystic Valley, MIT, Waltham & Boston) and some sites are missing this year.
My actuals in the order they occured:
I missed the MITRE (Billerica) folks, they did not operate on Sunday and I missed them on Saturday.
My photos are at
Eric Horwitz KA1NCF (DEC-NorthShore)
Bill Ricker N1VUX (this Directory Editor + Skywarn Net Manager)
previously toured as DEC Boston, DEC Training.
2009 - Likely Norwood ARC at
The Big Apple Farm, Wrentham
and South Shore Simplex at Fourth Cliff Military Recreation Area Scituate
2008 -
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§ Safety:
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§ EMA FD History 1999-2023
About (Notes, Credits)
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