Always the fourth full weekend in June
Field Day is more than a contest or QSL/certificate Operating Event. For most clubs, it is part contest, part camp-out, part publicity stunt, and part emergency-operations exercise.
From the ARES side, we usually emphasize the field-deployment drill aspects, of course. That's normal and good;
a major aspect of field-day is demonstrating that we can operate in the field. However, ARES training can
also be used in, or combined with, the planning and organization of Field Day, and in the operating style your
club chooses.
Please see the ARES site for late-breaking news on SKYWARN and FieldDay Lightning Safety.
Change Log moved to About Page. Please Read the Safety Tips on the Safety Pages.
Pages in FD web: EMA FD Home!
§ Directory!
Site List
Tour Plans
§ FD and ICS/NIMS !
§ FD Planning,Rules, Scoring, & ARES
§ Safety:
Safety Officer, Lightning, Heat, Resources!
§ EMA FD History 1999-2023
About (Notes, Credits)
Up: EMA Home §
Each year the ARRL (and its sister the RAC, formerly CRRL) sponsor a Field Day on the weekend after Fourth Full Weekend in June. On this weekend, Amateur Radio Operators operate from the field, as a simulated emergency test or public demonstration. In the ARRL EMA Section (all Mass counties east of Worcester Co.), quite a few clubs will be participating with club stations from public parks etc. This page is an attempt to catalog them in advance. The sponsors of this page is EMA ARRL.
One of the goals of the EMA FD Directory Website is publicizing Field Day.
But the major goal always has been helping (and encouraging) EMA Field Staff & Leadership to plan visits to nearby field day sites, as is our custom -- and helping us hit as many different ones as possible instead of all hitting the same obvious ones. Please hit the ones closest to your home and particularly ones that are highlighted as not having been visited last year (and aren't yet shown as being hit by someone else this year. The EMA Section Manager's 2002 and 2003 Tour results photo log pages are posted, and linked to the clubs' entries here.
Emergency Communications as part of Field Day -- the ARRL has added EOCs as Class F stations effective 2003.
Pages in FD web: EMA FD Home!
§ Directory!
Site List
Tour Plans
§ FD and ICS/NIMS !
§ FD Planning,Rules, Scoring, & ARES
§ Safety:
Safety Officer, Lightning, Heat, Resources!
§ EMA FD History 1999-2023
About (Notes, Credits)
Up: EMA Home §
Copyright © Eastern Massachusetts ARRL 1998-2024. Responsibility for content of all posted material above rests exclusively with the site authors. ARRL staff assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, and accuracy of items appearing on this page. All questions and comments should be directed to the item author.